Maternal Mental Health

This ones for all the mamas who don’t feel seen.

Motherhood is a 24/7 job! It can feel overwhelming, tiring, and sometimes mundane.

You often put yourself on the back burner, making sacrifices to care for littles and forget to take a minute for yourself. (Cheers to the mamas whose lunch usually consists of leftover sandwich crusts and second-hand gold fish! )

Despite all your roles, know that you are seen, you are valued, and you are making an impact far beyond what you can see.

Stewarding your kiddos is one of your most precious roles in life, but it’s also important to steward your heart and your mental health. Here are 5 things you can do for yourself this week:

1. Treat yourself to lunch!
2. Get a mani/pedi.
3. Reconnect with a friend! Community is so important, but especially in motherhood.
4. Meditate for at least 20 minutes and relax your mind.
5. Spend time relaxing catching up on your favorite show or reading a book!

We see you, mama! We really value your mental well-being too and want you to prioritize yourself.

Nicole perry